Better First-person shooter Perspective And more 1.0
Sorry for my bad English.
This mod will give you a completely different first-person shooter experience. It's like Call Of Duty series.Right-clicking will be different from the original zoom view.Due to time haste, I don't have a screenshot about Right-clicking view.
Also,i made improvement about the maximum ammo,real recoil,damage.
1 the maximum ammo of Combat pistol:12/48
2the maximum ammo of smg:30/180
3damage of pisitol :3x
This is closer to reality.
More importantly, ammunition for the same type of weapon is universal. If your carbin's ammunition runs out, your assault rifle ammo will run out too.(Even if you don't use assault rifles)
If your combat pistol is loaded with a bullet, then your full automatic pistol, heavy pistol.There will be less ammunition for ammo
So you have to save every single shot.
And because guns have real recoil. You can't strafe as before.
replace the weapons.meta in update/update.rpf/common/data/ai
remember to make a backup.(OpenIV)
Leave your comments!Thanks for your support!
This mod will give you a completely different first-person shooter experience. It's like Call Of Duty series.Right-clicking will be different from the original zoom view.Due to time haste, I don't have a screenshot about Right-clicking view.
Also,i made improvement about the maximum ammo,real recoil,damage.
1 the maximum ammo of Combat pistol:12/48
2the maximum ammo of smg:30/180
3damage of pisitol :3x
This is closer to reality.
More importantly, ammunition for the same type of weapon is universal. If your carbin's ammunition runs out, your assault rifle ammo will run out too.(Even if you don't use assault rifles)
If your combat pistol is loaded with a bullet, then your full automatic pistol, heavy pistol.There will be less ammunition for ammo
So you have to save every single shot.
And because guns have real recoil. You can't strafe as before.
replace the weapons.meta in update/update.rpf/common/data/ai
remember to make a backup.(OpenIV)
Leave your comments!Thanks for your support!
Primo Caricamento: 25 luglio 2017
Ultimo Aggiornamento: 26 luglio 2017
Last Downloaded: 2 hours ago
43 Commenti
Sorry for my bad English.
This mod will give you a completely different first-person shooter experience. It's like Call Of Duty series.Right-clicking will be different from the original zoom view.Due to time haste, I don't have a screenshot about Right-clicking view.
Also,i made improvement about the maximum ammo,real recoil,damage.
1 the maximum ammo of Combat pistol:12/48
2the maximum ammo of smg:30/180
3damage of pisitol :3x
This is closer to reality.
More importantly, ammunition for the same type of weapon is universal. If your carbin's ammunition runs out, your assault rifle ammo will run out too.(Even if you don't use assault rifles)
If your combat pistol is loaded with a bullet, then your full automatic pistol, heavy pistol.There will be less ammunition for ammo
So you have to save every single shot.
And because guns have real recoil. You can't strafe as before.
replace the weapons.meta in update/update.rpf/common/data/ai
remember to make a backup.(OpenIV)
Leave your comments!Thanks for your support!
This mod will give you a completely different first-person shooter experience. It's like Call Of Duty series.Right-clicking will be different from the original zoom view.Due to time haste, I don't have a screenshot about Right-clicking view.
Also,i made improvement about the maximum ammo,real recoil,damage.
1 the maximum ammo of Combat pistol:12/48
2the maximum ammo of smg:30/180
3damage of pisitol :3x
This is closer to reality.
More importantly, ammunition for the same type of weapon is universal. If your carbin's ammunition runs out, your assault rifle ammo will run out too.(Even if you don't use assault rifles)
If your combat pistol is loaded with a bullet, then your full automatic pistol, heavy pistol.There will be less ammunition for ammo
So you have to save every single shot.
And because guns have real recoil. You can't strafe as before.
replace the weapons.meta in update/update.rpf/common/data/ai
remember to make a backup.(OpenIV)
Leave your comments!Thanks for your support!
Primo Caricamento: 25 luglio 2017
Ultimo Aggiornamento: 26 luglio 2017
Last Downloaded: 2 hours ago
YES What about weapons.meta?
the fps is just the field of view turned up
Can i get only the FOV mod?
since alot asked for a only FoV mod, i hae made one using heshao`s settings, so all rights go to him. I will remove the mode asap if anyone has a problem with it.
Installation is the same as the normal mod: in OpenIV navigate to mods-update-update-rpf-common-data-ai, make sure to enable edit mode and there just drag the weapons.meta you just downloaded.
Download link:!zI12EKxT!-0Ot-pEfR8Et-pl0a2uN7YUwMnDdcG1A6runfZKWJf4
Hey man any way to get the same for Red dead redemption 2?
This is what PCGW user Rose has been able to come up with atm:
@DerWahnsinn Hey, you should upload one with only the fov part, it's a resource of rockstar so you are not stealing anything, you are just modifying a rockstar resource just like this guy
@glithERR i'd like to know as well
@DerWahnsinn I already did some editing to my weapons.meta, so I don't to replace it with this one. Still I want to edit the first person view. Do you mind sharing what I should be looking for in weapons.meta in order to do that? Thanks!
@DerWahnsinn Thank so much !
If its not working for anyone make sure your FOV is set to max in settings (Settings - Camera) and First Person Aim Type to Iron Sights (Located in settings - keyboard/mouse) Hope this helps! x
Can you tell me how to tweak the ads FOV because practically no one aims down an AR or shotgun with that much eye relief.
@DerWahnsinn what changes did u make i can't change my weapons meta file
@dzsergio Have you tried clicking edit mode
I gotta say out of all the weapon mods this has to be one of the most underrated best made mods i've come across, FOV is the shit
very pathetic how there's no working fov mod,this mod is good but bruh we all need so much ammo
How to modify FoV by yourself if you have a custom weapons.meta:
1. Download DerWahnsinn's weapons.meta from above, rename it Wahnsinnweapons or similar so that you don't get confused.
2. Open GTA V with OpenIV, navigate to Grand Theft Auto V\mods\update\update.rpf\common\data\ai. Make sure you are in your MODS FOLDER if you are using one.
3. Right click on the weapons.meta in this location, choose "Save content/export" and choose your desktop or where you can find it easily. You might want to export this file twice to two different locations in case you make a mistake so that you have a backup. Leave OpenIV open in the background.
4. Download Notepad++ if you don't have it installed.
5. Open both Wahnsinnweapons and the weapons.meta on your desktop in Notepad++(Right click -> edit in Notepad++).
6. Install the Compare Plugin for Notepad+ if it isn't already installed:
7. Compare the two files, any differences between them will be highlighted in color and on the right side there is a Compare Navbar where the differences are highlighted aswell.
8. Change any lines with FoV in them where Wahnsinn's file is different than yours to the values he has.
9. Once you're done click Plugins->Compare->Clear Active Compare and make sure to save the changes you made to your file in Notepad++. If the floppy-disk-like symbol next to the file name in Notepad++ is red and not blue your changes are not yet saved.
10. Go back to your OpenIV, enable Edit Mode and drag & drop your weapons.meta with the modified FoV values from your desktop into OpenIV.
11. Your FoV should be changed and you can now do whatever you like.
@DerWahnsinn Thanks for your file but it needs updating. The vanilla file has more stuff added to it yours does not. And you left in a bunch of changes from the original mod I guess? Muzzle effects, damage, tracers, etc.
Compatible with Dynamic Vehicle First Person Camera?
@pgiacometti yep