Vinewood Hills
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  • Da81d9 1404574743060

    sorry for the slightly angry post, im sure you can imagine that while doing a mission or something and then suddenly your invisible and cant do anything about it is upsetting haha, is that the object spawner or something with your trainer? and if show how the hell do i get out of it and disable the controller having any ability to activate it (to be fair i still think thats a bit of an oversight, should add this as a toggle or visible controls telling you how to exit)

    04 gennaio 2025
  • Da81d9 1404574743060

    dude what th hell is this stupid ass noclip shit that toggles on when i accidently press a button combo that wont go the fuck away? i have tried a ton of options even reloading a save and it wont go the hell away when it happens requiring a restart. i can only assume its from your trainer cause it uses the same UI and display look is it the object placer or something? cause honestly thats some shit you have it linked to a combo on the controller thats easy to press and then just have "movement speed" and no other info like idk controls or something so your not stuck there pressing buttons moving all over the fucking place.

    03 gennaio 2025
  • Da81d9 1404574743060

    know its overkill to leave a second review so quickly but DO NOT download and install this mod, even though i told the OIV to install into the mods folder and i deleted that entirely the effects are still happening, no weapon other then the pump shotgun is working, adding the 4th OIV manually DID NOT WORK OR FIX IT, this mod will break your game and youll have to redownload, 1000% not worth.

    02 gennaio 2025
  • Da81d9 1404574743060

    The only thing that actually works are shotguns for me, was going through the OIV and on part four figured out that the files werent installed which is includes an updated weapons.meta file, i have no idea if this iwas the issue but im not reinstalling it to find out, so if anyone has this problem open the OIV in 7zip and then open the contents.xml it will have a bunch of stuff but if you read it carefully you can see where the file is telling OpenIV to put the files in the folder in. try doing the 4th file manually, maybe it will work but im not gonna try it, will say i liked how the explosions worked but they never killed any peds, neither did fire, or anything other then a shotgun.

    02 gennaio 2025
  • Da81d9 1404574743060

    @SnakeSlippers your welcome, the only thing i ask is that if you decide to upload your list to anywhere you properly credit at least starman0620 but i would appreciate including me as well if you use portions or all of my list. :)

    12 novembre 2023
  • Da81d9 1404574743060
  • Da81d9 1404574743060

    @TayMcKenzie i know, and im sorry about that, but to put it simply, the list of items you can find in cars from the watchdogs vehicle looting mod is very very small, this simply expands that list, making it so that way you wont find the same 5 items over and over again, it does NOT do anything on its own.

    01 dicembre 2022
  • Da81d9 1404574743060

    oh and just in case anyone asks, the shark credit card is MEANT to be only worth $5 mostly cause shark cards online are dumb i think, feel free to change it if you want by editing the Value= flag in the pawnitems.json file its pretty simple if you just read the code a bit.

    26 novembre 2022