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@Hightower200 Hmm. I'm not sure. i am checking the liberty city rewind page where i got it from but can't see a version number
@Hightower200 i am using the most recent version
okay so this mod is almost perfect. I just got out of a couple hour session with my brother. Only a couple things wrong that I am sure you are already fully aware of. When second player aims its fine, a bit hard to get the hang of with aiming with the laser line thing but i think I just need to get good. But when you aim with a target, you know when the red arrow goes over when you lock on, I cant shoot because the weapon disappears and if i press the button to fire i just keep inching my way toward the enemy. Other than the targeting problem its all fine. frame rate is obviously low very playable and enjoyable. There is also a problem where randomly, very very rarely second players walking controls are inverted |(pressing forward walks backward, left goes right, etc) and its sometimes hard to get inside vehicles as player 2 because they auto walk away form it, but that isnt a huge problem for the most part. But is there a way to change how for second player, looking up and down is inverted. again, i am sure you are aware of any small bugs and simply cant change them since its been so long. but can i change the camera so it isnt inverted
Does this conflict with the map mod for the Liberty City DLC? Or will this replace the whole map, causing the other one to disappear?
so i have this mod and placed the files where needed but there are no cars, peds, traffic, nothing in the city. i will see the occasional ped at a bench or payphone
any help? this worked perfectly fine before but now it crashes immediately after selecting to play as him
dont know if this is still active but when the bridge ends in liberty city, its at this like dock or whatever and it doesnt go onto a road or anything, it goes onto this slant and its almost impossible to get back on the bridge with a car
First of all, awesome mod. But there is a weird stretching bug. It's not constant, its after every one or two peds killed then goes back to normal for another couple peds. Anyway to fix this? Reading these comments it looks like it's just the mod itself. Awesome mod regardless