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@unncnn can you explain overpower?
@Lasir_Pavis There is an IF statement, if singleplayer use this all else use this. Didn't mod that section, wasn't sure how I would test it. But I can update it to include the updates. There is also a section that controls static loading screens, assuming those are in the other folder. Used for online?
@AR Scorpion I think lots of people have, kinda surprised how easy it was to do. Happy you like it
@JohnFromGWN Isn't that the same as just renaming your mods folder? Besides the free space is just a bonus, the real point of this mod is to get GTA engine running with as little resources loaded.
@AR Scorpion Will do. This was just a first test to see what was capable. Will be adding normal transition versions as well as sequential screens.
@Zsombor_99 This is compatible if you have custom YTD downloaded for the intro loading screens. This only replaces the GFX file that controls them.
There 4 large rings, keyholes, that surround the player. You can have it GTA style as in medium size, or you can use infinite for the smallest size or distant for the biggest size. The bigger the keyhole, the less cars spawn in the keyhole. Well technically the same amount spawn, but larger distances for them to spawn makes it appear as less cars. Outside of these keyholes is the lowlod. The distant gameconfig has the keyhole as large as possible so theoretically you can see the same traffic from a mountain versus infinite gameconfig the keyhole is very small so outside of the spawn area will be lots of lowlod cars. It's a compromise between very thick traffic or traffic you can see for miles.
@speeddemon chat in discord, I can help better there. If it doesn't crash minutes of starting or playing the game, then the issue isn't gameconfig.
@speeddemon I will install the Skysder mod and test
@speeddemon the only difference between the two is outer key holes. Light has a key hole size of 400 while medium heavy and extreme are 300, 200, and 100. Bigger the key hole, less cars spawn near you.