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@Korea Kaesong I briefly looked into it but I'm unsure as of right now
@ChunkyYaBoi "tried guilt tripping me saying someone wanted him dead irl and he wouldn't be around much longer" what the fuck am I reading lmao, this kid is crazy as fuck
@ChunkyYaBoi Ignore that guy, he can't take criticism and he's a hypocritical kid, his 5mods name shows his ego already "the hope of future" lmao
I told him that his beta michael mod is bad (and it was literal trash back in the day, it got a bit better with updates tho) and he's been mad about it ever since, he spammed my youtube videos that showed GTA 5 beta content saying that they're all "fake" or "stupid mods" despite them having information on how to access the content yourself (and he accessed them himself too...), he saw my video showing unused cutscenes and said it's fake because "there's too much trees" (what the fuck???) and when i sent him DarkViper's video showing the game thing he just said "do u believe that fool"
In another comment section he told me that he's gonna stop replying and he had the audacity to say i was ragebaiting... while he himself wrote a new comment week later saying the same shit over again (literal definition of ragebait), he said i made a mod that "just makes Michael older" and "called it beta Michael" but if you literally go to my 5mods page you will see that the mod is called "Older Michael" and has no references to beta at all... this kid is such a stupid hypocrite, he was also saying that all my mods are just retextures - but again if you even remotely look at my uploaded mods you will see that this is not true, and the ironic thing is: he was saying 12 year old kids can make better things in paint but he said he's over 18 or whatever and his textures are literal ultra compressed dogshit
He was also super mad that a trans person said his mod was bad and he went on a rant how he's gonna kill me and this person in real life lmfao, he was saying that i can't mod anything at all while he previously said that i can do so much things in his discord server, he's a literal hypocrite like i said and it's better to not waste effort on this guy and just report his posts to 5mods staff, he was already banned on GTAForums and might aswell make that happen on 5Mods soon
@Zazerim55 Maybe FPS issue then like you said
@andre500 Alright thanks, will do
@AR Scorpion That you can't even access because the models are missing
Also VCS Stubby Shotgun is on the table as Detective Shotgun and a reference to VCS Brady Games Guide which mentioned the Skorpion as "Venom 9mm" which's name is going to be given to CZ Scorpion EVO once i finish working on that, VC Stubby Shotgun is in mind too reappearing under it's own name but it's a bit problematic right now, not sure what to do with the pump
@-EcLiPsE- I was thinking of making a proper Equalizer at some point with scope attachment but it never went anywhere further than just being a note/idea, this mod originally began as just "Revolver .410" to match Pistol .44 and Pistol .50 but some people wanted it to have a much cooler name which now i agree with, there is a Taurus Jury and Taurus Judge, and i was pitched the name "Executioner" but obviously that was already used in COD Black Ops 2 and i wanted something different, so the idea of "Equalizer" from VCS came to mind, obviously the VCS gun is just a .357 with a scope but i feel like the gun in VCS isn't really worthy it's name, it definitely sounds cool but in the end it is just .357 from VC with a scope added on top so it could've been as well just called "357" + this is HD universe so it doesn't have to be the same exact thing
I was thinking of adding some attachments to this gun, scope was in mind as VCS throwback but in the end it didn't make much sense since like you said it's a mini shotgun with poor range, i also wanted to add a short barrel as attachment like the Shyster revolver mod but the idea fell through for now, it might return in an update though, same for a shoulder stock that came up as an idea but i never found a good model for it
@KassenBR I have it on my list, not sure about the explosive version right now
Very cool