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@cristian304 I don't know, maybe
@KassenBR If you know hex editing and are capable of editing hud.gfx file and updating it everytime rockstar updates the game, sure
@Mrkraken12 Dunno, can't really help you as everything works fine over here
@tonieburak That is not a problem, the ytd is shared between all three pistols
@jdramirez You can't, it's simply a screenshot
You can use Julionib's dual wield mod or mbahdokek's though
@andre500 Testing the mod, i added a new category called Less Lethal and put my Rubber Gun in there, but seems the menu for the new category is buggy
1. Pressing Less Lethal seems to exit the menu but still enable the new Less Lethal category
2. Pressing enter on the weapon in the new Less Lethal category opens two menus at once, it does not close the initial weapon selection menu and puts the weapon customization menu on top
@andre500 Thanks, I'll take a look
@andre500 3.6 nightly 124, previous addon weapons (2.3) worked fine but 2.4 and 2.5 no longer work unless i update dot net
@andre500 Well one of latest scripthook dot net versions removed the support for dot net 2.0 scripts making them no longer work