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    @PermissionToLand What do you mean it doesn't change AI behavior? There's a file called vehicleaihandlinginfo.meta in the download.

    01 gennaio 2025
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    @PermissionToLand Currently when I have sirens on, the AI swerve hard to the right and as I approach them, hard to the left again, causing me to almost always crash into them. Could you make them a bit like in this mod please:

    31 dicembre 2024
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    @fear2105 I've had Drive V for a long time, it was the first mod I installed on my vanilla game. But since then, I modified the vehicles.meta because I installed a bunch of new vehicles as replacements for vanilla ones. However, my modified vehicles take their handling lines from Drive V since I just redirect these vehicles to pick their handling lines from their existing fictional counterparts (vanilla models) existing in the game through vehicles.meta flags. That way, I get the best of both worlds.

    Thank you for adding a warning. I didn't want anyone else to suffer like I had to, again. I understand you put in extra effort to make it an oiv package to make install simpler for people but the downside is that OpenIV does not give a heads up to the end user about what files it's going to replace if installed. I know because at the time of installing, I checked everywhere. So I thought, "Well, since it just claims to modify the handling and not the vehicles.meta flags, I think it should be alright" and took a leap of faith. Boy, was I wrong. Had to spend hours editing my vehicles.meta again while testing in-game side by side.

    12 novembre 2024
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    Oh my god. This mod replaced my vehicles.meta, WEEKS of my hard work just GONE! What the hell. PLEASE PUT A DISCLAIMER ON YOUR MOD ABOUT THIS! We don't know what your oiv file contains! I had so many vehicles replaced and ALL of them are broken now!

    10 novembre 2024
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    Hey, can I ask how this is different from the adjustments made by Drive V?

    10 novembre 2024
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    Hey @PermissionToLand, I just installed a few addon vehicles that use handling lines of existing vehicles and some of them have some issues that they don't have with vanilla handlings: my Ford E350 van despite using the recommended pony handling flag flips over because of too much body roll and even using Speedo's handling doesn't seem to fix the issue, my Chevy Tahoe seems like it;s rear suspensions bottomed out while the custom firetruck looks like it's front suspensions have bottomed out. Do you have any idea how I could fix these? The latter two are merely graphical issues but the first one actually affects the handling. Thanks in advance.

    10 novembre 2024
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    @PermissionToLand Haha yeah, you've made my day with this mod! Please don't stop updating it, it's ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL for my playthroughs of GTA V now. The day you abandon it is the day I'll also give up on playing this game.

    No I personally play offline. And yeah, I stand in solidarity with y'all playing without the fix. It's much more hilarious that way. I passed a Sheriff yesterday driving in a straight line near Mt. Chiliad and still somehow managed to flip their cruiser along the hill, snuck out and ran away yelling as the car exploded in the background, getting knocked down from the impact. I was dying of laughter. Does it break the immersion of my roleplay? Yes. Is it worth it? 1000%

    05 novembre 2024
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    Oh my God this mod is AMAZING! I loved GTA IV driving physics so this was badly needed in V but it's even more than that. I play LSPDFR and roleplay as a cop and I just witnessed probably the most organic hilarious fail in my life. See, the handling is modded to be more like in IV but I guess the developers coded the peds to drive more in line with V's original arcade driving mode so in vanilla, they don't have to brake as early. With this mod, the handling is changed but the peds still drive as if they would with vanilla handling lines. I just responded to a Code 3 weapons store robbery in La Mesa. Shots were fired and NPCs got scared off and started driving in panic mode. That created some chaos but I stopped all traffic. Once the situation was under control however, I let the traffic go. Some moron in a Buffalo approaching the crime scene decided to cut around my squad car but ended up smashing into oncoming traffic. That set him and his buddy plus his car on fire. I saw this and immediately called for fire trucks. However, by the time they arrived, the burning car had set the backed-up traffic on a chain explosion. I moved my squad car out of the way and stood clear. There were coroners on the scene trying to zip up dead bodies from before. Two of them got caught in explosions and were hurled several feet in the air. The wreckage from one of the burning cars landed on the fire truck and made it explode too. The firefighters were knocked down but like injured, knocked down peds trying to shoot in prone, they were still shooting their fire extinguishers. One of them was yelling, "Good job, guys! We should be on the news tonight for this!" while people around him were running around panicking from being set on fire. Found another coroner van nearby whose rear compartment was being blocked by a wreckage of a burning vehicle and the Coroners carrying bodybags were just waiting around for that car to be removed so they could get on with their lives.

    I'm in literal tears. It was 15 minutes of pure chaotic joy and my sides were in orbit the whole time. Thank you! This is a beautiful mod.

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    01 novembre 2024
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    @Slash_Alex Nothing special, just another mod. Had the same vehicle installed in a different slot, I just wanted to move it to police5 slot.

    It's in the "2016 Ford Explorer" folder.

    22 dicembre 2023