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@lucasvinbr I did with the second to latest version and it still does the same thing. I'll test out the latest version you uploaded 11 hours ago.
Very good mod. However, I have some suggestions:
Their should be peds on the crosswalks and sidewalks and at the attractions of the city.
Building Interiors should be introduced
Other than that I say, it is very well done map mod.
@lucasvinbr I am currently using 1.3.19 or .18 I believe. The only mod which can directly affect it is the Simple Trainer, like I said in these versions of your mod, the trainer had no negative effects on AI gameplay of a gang member. The contrary can be said for the latest version of your mod. Additionally, on the latest version, I have added in territory from the Vice Cry Remastered mod, so that Vice City could have its own gangs. I did not alter any game files that directly affected the gang peds.
@lucasvinbr I am sure it's not a modding conflict because on past versions of your mod, before you had the ability to tweak turf radius, the AI control of a gang member worked just fine while also using my simple trainer on god mode, and they didn't die instantaneously within a few seconds. I had no other mods that would otherwise alter the Gang and Turf Mod versions 1.3.19 and prior.
It has been close to a year now and since then, there has been no update that fixes the issue of the gang peds still dying after a few seconds after I take control of them no matter if I have God mode off or on.
@lucasvinbr I talked about this nearly a year ago, but the gang peds still die after a few seconds after I take control of them no matter if I have God mode off or on. I thought this issue would have been resolved by now but it isn't.
I talked about this nearly a year ago, but the gang peds still die after a few seconds after I take control of them no matter if I have God mode off or on. I thought this issue would have been resolved by now but it isn't.
Will the landing stuff work for add on maps such Vice City and the like?
Can you use these mods with Open IV because I had issues with MP mods like this in that past where the online maps interiors were not rendered at at all. I tried using everything from the Online Interiors and Enable All Interiors but to no avail.
@ImNotMentaL I try loading the mod but it was unable to resolve API version 2.10.13 according to my Scripthookdotnet log.