Swedish Ambulance (old) 0.4
This files replaces all of the ambulances. extract the files and just drag and drop to vehicles.rpf
0.4 Changed some logos, and mirrored the (ambulans) in the front.
As allways, dont forget to backup existing files. hope you like it =)
Filerna ersätter alla ambulanser. Extrahera filerna och dra dessa till vehicles.rpf
Vad ni än gör så glöm inte att göra en backup på orginalfilerna.
Ha´t så kul =)
0.4 Changed some logos, and mirrored the (ambulans) in the front.
As allways, dont forget to backup existing files. hope you like it =)
Filerna ersätter alla ambulanser. Extrahera filerna och dra dessa till vehicles.rpf
Vad ni än gör så glöm inte att göra en backup på orginalfilerna.
Ha´t så kul =)
Primo Caricamento: 16 giugno 2015
Ultimo Aggiornamento: 24 giugno 2015
Last Downloaded: 24 hours ago
10 Commenti
More mods by 19Legan81:
This files replaces all of the ambulances. extract the files and just drag and drop to vehicles.rpf
0.4 Changed some logos, and mirrored the (ambulans) in the front.
As allways, dont forget to backup existing files. hope you like it =)
Filerna ersätter alla ambulanser. Extrahera filerna och dra dessa till vehicles.rpf
Vad ni än gör så glöm inte att göra en backup på orginalfilerna.
Ha´t så kul =)
0.4 Changed some logos, and mirrored the (ambulans) in the front.
As allways, dont forget to backup existing files. hope you like it =)
Filerna ersätter alla ambulanser. Extrahera filerna och dra dessa till vehicles.rpf
Vad ni än gör så glöm inte att göra en backup på orginalfilerna.
Ha´t så kul =)
Primo Caricamento: 16 giugno 2015
Ultimo Aggiornamento: 24 giugno 2015
Last Downloaded: 24 hours ago
Please notice that we cant do very much with the textures as of now with OpenIV. This is the best so far, but when there is a real editor, i promise you´ll get some good textures .
I live in sweden, and i must say our Ambulance looks nothing like this, i know you cant change models yet but the colours aint right for 1%... Sorry but just no.
Tja. Jag bor i sverige jag med. Sjukt svårt i detta stadiet att få till exakta färger. jag satt och samplade färger via google på ambulanser. men det gick tyvärr inte att få det så mkt bättre än vad det är nu.
Kommer uppdateringar titt som tätt när jag gjort ändringar. så titta in igen när du känner dig hemma med ambulansen =) tack för inputen iaf.
Update 0.2 pending admin approval. just fixed the colour so it would be more realistic.
@TedSN Blir svårt att få till den rutmönstrade folieringen. jag testade förut, men det blev inte logiskt =/
I think you should try to get the grid pattern right. Even if it doesn't turn out perfect, or "logical", it's still better than this. Sorry to say it, but this really doesn't look much swedish at all. Other than that, it looks pretty good. The colors seem about right. Try to get a picture in daytime, though. That'll make it easier to determine how true to the original the colors really are.
Best of luck! It's fun to see some swedish stuff here. :)
@BorgMaestro Thanks for the input. im gonna get on the checker pattern today. will take som time, but if it works, and looks good i will put it up. This is a struggle =/
There are no Swedish Ambulance's in Los Angeles County, California, USA.