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  • Tubeguy

    @alebal well I like it, theres so many of them I didnt get to play them all, but so far there are some really good ones. Maybe you should just take a small break and get some ideas, people might reconsider they have to try first give them time :D Im looking forward to the next batch pal.

    18 luglio 2018
  • Tubeguy

    Hey bro just wanted to say well done with these, they work just fine and add a lot to the game. I have aswell supported you on patreon, its not much but I really like what you do and its appreciated. Thank you again and keep up the good work :) im Mark by the way.

    18 luglio 2018
  • Tubeguy

    @Calderon Hello there, I actually meant the guys mod, imnotmental or something. So I had both and I can confirm that after removing imnotmentals one im back to steady 60fps, altho blips are still gone, I spawn in my apartment from Singleplayer apartment and the blip is not there, for none of them. But the frame rate drop was because of two persistance mods, use only one at the time. I hope that helps.

    18 luglio 2018
  • Tubeguy

    @Calderon Thanks for the reply, no its not confusing, but i actually did not save any cars yet. just installed it, went on to see if it even works, but as soon as the game is loaded i can see fps drop and thats without any car saved. I do have to say that I use that other persistence mod too, they might conflict.( i will try when i wake up) also I will try disable "all character vehicle thing" too :D and about the menu setting, sorry g i honestly did not see that u had to press enter will test this too. Sure sounds like a lot of work, but i am not modder i cant give you advice, all i can think of is maybe conflict with other mod. i will try what i said, also ill try it only by itself without any other scripts and ill get back to you. peace bro !

    18 luglio 2018
  • Tubeguy

    I have to back up cri-28 here, once I add this mod to scripts, I lose about 5-8FPS it varies cos it jumps around from 53-57, it does not make the game unplayable but for me its annoying i can see it in the corner and my mind is like no, it shouldnt do that. Also backing up earlier comments, blips are gone, online interiors, apartments all of them and so on.( u can still use them, but no blips). and yeah if u change setting ingame it will not be saved, gotta change the values yourself. I still give you five stars because the effort, and also I do have faith in you. Im sure u will fix it, and when u will it will be worth 5stars.

    17 luglio 2018
  • Tubeguy

    @bastoudu66 yeah that worked thanks for that, you are legend

    24 aprile 2018
  • Tubeguy

    yo bro, very good mansions, well done with it. Tho i have a problem with some of them, is not big honestly does not bother me too much but since i have an account i might aswell ask you, basically on this map the elevator wont work, i can get inside and door will close, but it does not take me upstairs, also in the secret agent headquarter house, elevator wont even appear, its not in the middle of the room, everything else is fine, and actually i have all your mansions ingame at the same time, i just renamed costum_maps, to costum_maps1,2,3,4 so i have 5 mansions al 80 dlc folders, in which i got 1886 add on vehicles at the moment but every day i put new ones as they come out, trust me it took months to put all of them in so i dont think too many dlc's would do anothing, there is a limit once u reach that thats it, it crashes but as long as u stay below it, u can have 1million add on vehicles too just gotta combine them, thats the long part my gta folder is 190gb,

    23 aprile 2018
  • Tubeguy
  • Tubeguy

    axel can you add the "extras" option to either of the garage bits, i cant find extras niether in ur los santos garage section neither in bennys, and to be honest some cars have spoilers and whatnot as extras if you can make that option appear ur king.

    10 gennaio 2018