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How difficult would it be to make these work with Franklin?
Do these jerseys work with Franklin also?
Good stuff, thanks Loc
yesssss. thank u. my dunk collection grows!!
wow incredible job on the Heinekens
Cant wait to try these out. Thank you for your mods and hard work.
"Feel free to leave suggestions on what colorways i should do."
St Patty
Boca JR
any green ones bro, families colors
@AJ97 are you gonna release it? too many short dread mods on here.
made a short video
wow SBs in GTA, do some dunks!
@OlegTemple OK Great!! thank you!
once again, great work. The Crowex building is great, i love how tall it is and the hidden skatepark. the train platforms above the streets in the ghetto areas make it feel closed in, which adds atmosphere. and the moving lights downtown.. so cool. are you going to make more areas?