Vinewood Hills
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  • Bugstars

    @Kursed89 I had some friends who hosting servers with great pc and good internet connection and still got shitty sync issues am pretty sure its the mod fault here, plus am not the only one experiencing this many others I talked to also had frustration.

    26 luglio 2016
  • Bugstars

    Am confused why this mod is still almost unplayable, the sync issues are still there and this mod has been available like what few months already? Whats the point releasing such a mod if its almost impossible to play with other people???

    25 luglio 2016
  • Bugstars

    so is the sync fixed? on this one

    23 luglio 2016
  • Bugstars

    I have a stupid problem all of a sudden with this manager, now every time I launch the manager for some reason it deletes GTA5.exe and GTAVLauncher.exe and telling me failed to start game (missing executable) I verify the game it still deletes them as well when am launching gta online it still deletes them wtf.....

    03 luglio 2016
  • Bugstars

    um I dont know if everybody has this problem but now when I click server browser the the menu doesn't show anymore, like the mod gets disabled itself.

    12 dicembre 2015
  • Bugstars

    Is it just me or its laggy and still the snyc is still bad also I did reloaded and nothing changed?

    10 dicembre 2015
  • Bugstars

    mostly any mods or scripts you have or even ragehook will work with this mod, now after playing this for a while I think performance needs to be improved and maybe have game modes so have co-op friends roleplay with LSPDFR

    01 dicembre 2015
  • Bugstars

    I don't know if its me but the LED lights move a bit more slower when I installed this mod

    19 luglio 2015
  • Bugstars

    Every version I tried doesn't work for me only the bright spotlight, am note sure is because my graphics settings are on low or its something else maybe someone can help me :/

    05 luglio 2015
  • Bugstars

    Its a good mod but later on as the lvl increase most peds doesnt have weapons anymore and most driving doesnt get out of the vehicles so maybe thats fixed in later versions.

    12 giugno 2015