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Merry christmas drifters, stay tuned, the new update is coming...
Someone with gta5 steam version? contact me on skype: peppe.production
@Brundan windows defender 😂 the best
Guys its not a virus, anyway it will search for gta5 process and edit his process values, maybe its the reason for antivirus detection. Anyway the mod is compiled in .NET so is possible to view the entire code through some tools.
@rehvo09 nah, there is no trojan, just uninstall the poor antivirus and install a good new one
Guys, im ready but now, i need someone that have steam version of gta5 to make this mod workable with steam users, add me on skype: peppe.production
hi drifters, sorry for the absence but I'm having problems with the update, stay tuned :)
Hi guys, i have just updated my mods, just wait for admin approval and have fun ;)
give me your discord
@smokeymcpiff i does not need steam account, just someone that can run my tool to find gta5 process values