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Wheels are not centered on axis... Chrome so shine...
How disable AO?
Херь какую то делаешь... Колеса по оси не отцентрованы.. Брак лютый. Что с версиями? Какая последняя? То кабрик рабочий, то не рабочая крыша, разберись
Зачем дрочить по одной модели дисков? Сделай пак аддон. Зачем разный (бОльший) диаметр? Смотрится убого и неестественно. В светлом цвете будто из пластика...
Guys, how to remove this AO? In shadow side car is too dark (its problem on many cars from Vanquishky).
Maybe change some textures in ytd or what?
Why fckng rear bumper, skirt are chrome? How fix it?
Looks great!
But wtf with tire texture? Too shine(
In ytd there are not contain any tire texture, only NORMAL MAP.
Please fix it, or share some textures for wheels (spec, dirt etc..)
Thx a lot!
Wow. After install vstancer - all wheels is correct...
Wtf with wheels? One side of car looks great! But in other side - wheels are some moved to center of car(
Whats max size of vehicles.rpf in dlc's folders?