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  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @kc8dee glad to hear :D
    @Teadles it most likely is and guess its probably time to update it to that format now will work on it next couple days :)

    07 giugno 2015
  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @kc8dee why have you got 3 mains? and still dont see my mod even loading can you show me your scripts folder?

    06 giugno 2015
  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @kc8dee try running gta 5 in compatabilty mode for windows 7 or 8 and see if get same error

    05 giugno 2015
  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @kc8dee thats not to do with the mod i think its too do with the main.lua not being configured to windows 10 @bnhensel09 yer thats a long term glitch to do with how im starting fires changing it in next update :)

    04 giugno 2015
  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @SAEASEAS if its not mentioning it at all i have to assume its either in the wrong location , not extracted properly or maybe lua V10.1 dosen't like it can you take a screenshot of your console and post it on imgur and have the link here just so i can check what it says

    02 giugno 2015
  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @SAEASEAS or does your console say anything about the mod like error in line etc or telekineis not loaded etc? just any extra information would be helpful in working out whats wrong :)

    31 maggio 2015
  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @SAEASEAS are you using a laptop or is your numpad enabled?

    31 maggio 2015
  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @SAEASEAS did you put the telekineis.lua in the grandtheft auto 5/ addins/scripts folder if its saying no file found may be that it isn't in right place

    30 maggio 2015
  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @SAEASEAS just checked and you may not have the dev version of the lua which brings up the console what verisons of the Script Hook V and lua SDK are you using? and is your gta fully up to date?

    29 maggio 2015
  • F7ea1e tetsuo shima

    @j0s3lu1 if there going really fast maybe try turning the range up
    @SAEASEAS what is your lua console saying when it trys to load the lua?

    28 maggio 2015