MARPAT freemode female fatigues
male version is up.
@BLACKHACK09 thanks.
can u make a male version?
@kanerill i can try, it may not come with a hat.
@DEATHDEALER still nice though :) its a nice mod
@kanerill male version is uploaded and pending approval.
its nice too see some good retexture for mp clothes
@kanerill its not as good as the female retex i rushed a bit.
a quick screenshot by me. feel free to use it :)
@kanerill nice!! will do
So it will work in multiplayer?
@KaityVoivre yes but you will most likely get banned with a modified .rpf
Have you ever made mods clothes of gta 5 npc to bring this clothes gta . As the luxury's clothing,women's boots and many others
@DEATHDEALER why do not you bring one mods with the women's clothing of the NPC for the characters online mode as an example: Boots 👢 high heels 👡 dress 👗 and many others.
Was wondering if you'd like to help me improve my mod that added female npc soldiers. You made some great looking pants.