
Palms on sandy shores airport [Map Editor] 1.0

Fc068d 20210113161654 1
Fc068d 20210113161715 1
Fc068d 20210113161750 1
Fc068d 20210113161718 1


This is my first map modification.

- The map has no errors
- Some palm trees at the airport in sandy shores
- About 6 types of palm trees and other shrubs

The installation instructions can be found in the file and and here.

- MapEditor: https: // -> You need to install this mod.

- Drag and drop (Palms on airport.xml) to your GTA V Directory (you've installed the map)
- To spawn this map:
  1. Press F7
  2. Press Load map xml
  3. Type name "Palms on airport"

- for the map to spawn automatically you need to Create an "AutoloadMaps" folder in the GTA 5 / Scripts location and then add My Palms on airport map to this

Don't change the link. do not add on other pages
do not impersonate the author and do not forge the file!

To moja pierwsza modyfikacja mapowa.
Co zawiera
Mapa nie posiada bledow
troche palm na lotnisku w sandy shores
okolo 6 rodzajow palm i innych krzakow
Instrukcja do instalacji znajduje sie w linku. i tuta

MapEditor: https: // musisz zainstalowac ten mod.
zobacz moj kanal gta5:

Przeciagnij i upusc (Palms on airport.xml) do katalogu GTA V (zainstalowales mape)
Aby zrespic te mape. 1: kliknij F7 2: nacisnij Load map a potem xml 3. Wpisz nazwe: "Palms on airport" GOTOWE
aby mapa spawnowala sie automatycznie musisz Utworzyc folder "AutoloadMaps" w lokalizacji GTA 5/Scripts A nastepnie dodaj Moja mape Palms on airport do tego

Nie zmieniac linku . nie dodawac na innych stronach
nie podszywac sie pod autora i nie podrabiac pliku!
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Primo Caricamento: 13 gennaio 2021
Ultimo Aggiornamento: 14 gennaio 2021
Last Downloaded: 20 hours ago

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

852 downloads , 6 KB
13 gennaio 2021

5 Commenti