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    I need them buffs!! Detroit staple

    12 maggio 2024
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    dope mod man!! How can I get that neck tatt for frank?

    29 febbraio 2024
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    Whenever you can bro, can you update this and add some new features? Fav mod thus far, but want to see some nice changes/updates to it

    23 febbraio 2024
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    Good mod but i keep getting that the drivers arent in range of line. I have %real and LA revo downloaded.. Does that make a differemce

    19 gennaio 2024
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    Aint had an update since June. We need this update my boy!!

    10 ottobre 2023
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    I tried hitting you up for a custom chain but cant find u on discord

    22 agosto 2023
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    Bro how can i get a custom chain like yours

    22 agosto 2023
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    One of my favorite scripts cuh!

    22 agosto 2023
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    @houaryou Whats good bro. Love the mod, but today I started getting this error ######################## Exception Start ########################
    # Date: 8/7/2023 11:51:11 AM
    # Custom Message: None
    # Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    # StackTrace: at GTA.Entity.AttachTo(EntityBone entityBone, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation)
    at PropertyManager.Staff.Maid.LoadPed()
    at PropertyManager.PropertyFeatures.StaffFeature.<>c.<Populate>b__6_0(StaffMember member)
    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action)
    at PropertyManager.PropertyFeatures.StaffFeature.Populate()
    at PropertyManager.Alive.AliveStaff.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<.ctor>b__2()
    at PropertyManager.Alive.AliveProperty.Load()
    at PropertyManager.PropertyManager.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    # Source: ScriptHookVDotNet3
    # Helplink:
    # TargetSite: Void AttachTo(GTA.EntityBone, GTA.Math.Vector3, GTA.Math.Vector3)
    # TargetSite DeclaringType: GTA.Entity
    # TargetSite Name: AttachTo
    # TargetSite IsStatic: False
    # TargetSite IsPublic: True
    # File: D:\devs\Labs\gta5mods\PropertyManager\PropertyManager.cs
    # Line: 613
    ######################### Exception End #########################

    Can you help me figure this out? It was just working perfectly.

    07 agosto 2023